Two Pieces of the Same Puzzle: Active and Passive Acoustics for Cross-Trophic Marine Ecosystem Monitoring Part II


In this presentation, I will discuss fundamental concepts of using active acoustic techniques as a remote sensing tool to observe mid-trophic level fish and zooplankton in the ocean. These observations complement passive acoustic measurements that tend to capture activities of higher trophic level animals, such as marine mammals. I will introduce physics-based acoustic scattering models and their use in interpreting active acoustic data (the echoes), and discuss recent advancements in incorporating data science techniques, including machine learning, to extract information from the rapidly growing volumes of active acoustic data around the world. Following this discussion, I will share a few tips for implementing best practices in reproducible research and scientific software development, and invite participants to anonymously share their thoughts and experiences on these topics in the fields of acoustics.

May 12, 2024 12:00 AM
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Wu-Jung Lee
Wu-Jung Lee
Principal Oceanographer
