Communication within group

Mode of Communication

We use various modes of communication in Echospace to keep ourselves up-to-date on what we are each working on and coordinate.

Depending on who’s involved and the context, we use different methods to communicate. In general:

  • Internal (among group members): mostly Slack
  • External (with colleagues outside of the group): emails
  • GitHub: PR and issues, see here for how to get started
  • Talking: we do talk in analog form!


  • We encourage proactive and frequent communication; for most projects we meet at least weekly to keep each other updated and set short and long term goals
  • Immediate response are not expected unless urgent
  • People may send messages/emails at their convenient time; aim to respond within a reasonable time frame
  • Phone/text: usually reserved for urgent communication or offsite coordination
  • Ask us/everyone for help, and provide help if you can!

Slack workspace

  • Default channels you’re added to:
    • #general
    • #help
    • #random
  • Feel free to:
    • Add or remove yourself from channels, but make sure you stay in the know for your projects, as well as group announcements
    • Create new channels and announce in the #general channel for others to join
Applied Physics Lab & eScience Institute