Our research focuses on active acoustic sensing by humans (machines) and animals. We integrate physics-based models with data-driven methods to extract information from large ocean acoustic datasets, and study echolocating bats and toothed whales as biological models for adaptive sonar sensing. In parallel, we develop open-source software and host hands-on workshops to engage and empower the community in advancing acoustic sensing technology.
[03/2025] Multiple Echospace members will be hosting the first Bridge to Ocean Acoustics & Technology (BOAT) workshop in Seattle!
[02/2025] Wu-Jung was awarded for the 2025 APL Science and Engineering Achievement Award! Congratulations!
[02/2025] Caesar was accepted to the UW ECE PhD program and will start this fall, continuing his research in Echospace! Congratulations, Caesar!
[10/2025] Ameena Majeed joied Echospace as an Undergrad Research Assistant. Welcome!
[08/2025] Aidan Lee joied Echospace as an Undergrad Research Assistant. Welcome!
[07/2024] Wu-Jung gave a talk on our Echostack software suite and Valentina presented a poster on the Echodataflow package at the Scipy 2024 conference.
[06/2024] Aditya attended the BioAcoustic Summer School (SeaBASS) in the University of New Hampshire and met some inspiring lecturers and students! Wu-Jung also gave a lecture on Fundamentals of Ocean Acoustics!
[05/2024] Wu-Jung and Aditya presented two talks in the Ottawa ASA Meeting on evaluating the hake ML model and the impacts of duty-cycle PAM for bats.