

Applied Physics Lab & eScience Institute

University of Washington

Ocean Acoustics + Data Science

Our research focuses on active acoustic sensing by humans (machines) and animals. We integrate physics-based models with data-driven methods to extract information from large ocean acoustic datasets, and study echolocating bats and toothed whales as biological models for adaptive sonar sensing. In parallel, we develop open-source software and host hands-on workshops to engage and empower the community in advancing acoustic sensing technology.

Research areas:

  • Acoustical oceanography
  • Fisheries acoustics
  • Animal echolocation / bioacoustics
  • Machine learning in ocean acoustics
  • Scientific computing and software

Recent news!

All news»

[03/2025] Multiple Echospace members will be hosting the first Bridge to Ocean Acoustics & Technology (BOAT) workshop in Seattle!

[02/2025] Wu-Jung was awarded for the 2025 APL Science and Engineering Achievement Award! Congratulations!

[02/2025] Caesar was accepted to the UW ECE PhD program and will start this fall, continuing his research in Echospace! Congratulations, Caesar!

[10/2025] Ameena Majeed joied Echospace as an Undergrad Research Assistant. Welcome!

[08/2025] Aidan Lee joied Echospace as an Undergrad Research Assistant. Welcome!

[07/2024] Wu-Jung gave a talk on our Echostack software suite and Valentina presented a poster on the Echodataflow package at the Scipy 2024 conference.

[06/2024] Aditya attended the BioAcoustic Summer School (SeaBASS) in the University of New Hampshire and met some inspiring lecturers and students! Wu-Jung also gave a lecture on Fundamentals of Ocean Acoustics!

[05/2024] Wu-Jung and Aditya presented two talks in the Ottawa ASA Meeting on evaluating the hake ML model and the impacts of duty-cycle PAM for bats.

Meet the Team



Wu-Jung Lee

Principal Oceanographer


Valentina Staneva

Senior Data Scientist


Caesar Tuguinay

Graduate Student


Aditya Krishna

Graduate Student


Aidan Lee

Undergraduate Research Assistant


Ameena Majeed

Undergraduate Research Assistant


Dingrui Lei

Now: Software Engineer at GEICO

Don Setiawan

Now: Research Software Engineer at UW eScience Institute

Emilio Mayorga

Now: Senior Oceanographer at APL-UW

Soham Kishor Butala

Now: Software Data Operations Engineer at MAQ Software

Zhongqi Miao

Now: Applied Research Scientist at Microsoft

Brandon Reyes

Now: HPC specialist at CU Boulder

Imran Majeed

Now: Software Engineer at Allen Institute

Derya Gumustel

Now: Web Developer at Sound Data Science

Kavin Nguyen

Now: Operations Automation Engineer, SpaceX

YeonJoon Cheong

Now: Postdoc

Josie Sachen

Now: Research Technician at Seattle Children’s Research Institute

Liuyixin Shao

Now: Peer Mentor at UW Statistics


BOAT: Bridge to Ocean Acoustics and Technology

An open education program for ocean acoustics via executable tutorials

Passive acoustic monitoring in the Union Bay Natural Area

Using passive acoustic techniques to monitor bats and birds on UW campus!
Passive acoustic monitoring in the Union Bay Natural Area

Machine learning in fisheries acoustics

Accelerating information extraction from fisheries acoustic data through a cloud-based machine learning workflow.
Machine learning in fisheries acoustics

The open-source "Echostack" for scalable, cloud-native processing of water column sonar data

Enhancing the processing capacity and efficiency for echosounder data.

ADCP-equipped underwater glider as a distributed biological sensing tool

Enabling distributed, persistent observation of mid-trophic zooplankton and fish using autonomous underwater gliders equipped with acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs).

Pattern discovery from long-term echosounder time series

Developing algorithms to discover prominent spatio-temporal patterns of animal movement and grouping behavior observed in sonar echoes using data from the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI).

Echo Statistics

Matlab code to reproduce all figures in an in-depth tutorial on echo statistics.
Echo Statistics

Modeling sound propagation in the head of toothed whales

Understanding the interaction of sound with biological structures in toothed whale head.

Target search and discrimination by echolocating toothed whales

Modeling and analyzing the echolocation behavior of toothed whales.


Echostack: An open-source Python software toolbox that democratizes water column sonar dataand processing

Water column sonar data collected by echosounders are essential for marine ecosystem research, allowing the detection, classifi cation, …

Variability and influence of fisheries acoustic echogram annotations on machine learning applications

High-frequency echosounders are the workhorse in fisheries and marine ecological surveys. Due to the inherent complexity of biological …

Two Pieces of the Same Puzzle: Active and Passive Acoustics for Cross-Trophic Marine Ecosystem Monitoring Part II

In this presentation, I will discuss fundamental concepts of using active acoustic techniques as a remote sensing tool to observe …

A ship-to-cloud machine learning pipeline built on the open-source Python Echostack software tools

Successful application of machine learning (ML) methodology requires iterative development and testing of not only the models but also …


Interoperable and scalable echosounder data processing with Echopype

Beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) acoustic foraging behavior and applications for long term monitoring

Compact representation of temporal processes in echosounder time series via matrix decomposition

We developd a data-driven methodology based on matrix decomposition to build compact representation of long-term echosounder time series using intrinsic features in the data.
Compact representation of temporal processes in echosounder time series via matrix decomposition

Echo statistics associated with discrete scatterers: A tutorial on physics-based methods

From basic foundational concepts to advanced topics in modeling the statistics of echoes from discrete scatterers, inspired by sonar observation of marine organisms.
Echo statistics associated with discrete scatterers: A tutorial on physics-based methods

Macroscopic observations of diel fish movements around a shallow water artificial reef using a mid-frequency horizontal-looking sonar

Mid-frequency sonar provides a first-of-the-kind macroscopic observation of the nightly foraging runs of fish inhabiting a shallow-water artificial reef in northern Gulf of Mexico.
Macroscopic observations of diel fish movements around a shallow water artificial reef using a mid-frequency horizontal-looking sonar

Group resources

Code of Conduct & What we value

We review and discuss our code of conduct and what we value regularly, as a reminder and inspiration.

Opportunities at Echospace

Interested in joining Echospace? Check out the latest info here!

Computing startup resources

Useful starting computing resources

Communication within group

Our current practice to communicate with each other in Echospace


A Summer of Refactoring Echoshader!

Echospace hosted a contributor - Dingrui Lei, to refactor echoshader - a package for interactive visualization of echosounder data.

Hello from Dingrui Lei, GSoC contributor of Echoshader!

Echospace hosted a Google Summer of Code (GSoC) contributor to jump start echoshader, a new package for interactive visualization of echosounder data.


  • 1013 NE 40th St, Seattle, WA 98105
  • Henderson Hall, University of Washington